Pages 105-118
List the characters in the chapter.
Look for the Mouse Words while reading. Click on each word to see its definition. Click on the P next to the word to see a picture of the word. Choose 5 words. Write a sentence using each word.
Mouse Words
1. Flattered
2. Reminisced
3. Foot Brakes
4. Hand Brakes
5. Entitled
6. Pandemonium
7. Agitated
8. Powwow P
9. Exterminator P
10. Bewildered
11. Scrabbling
12. Scrounging
The maids, bellboys, and staff of the hotel have a powwow to discuss the holed chewed in the sheets. Have you ever had a powwow with your family? What was it about? Where did you meet?
At the end of the chapter, Ralph's mother is worried that they should tip Keith for his room service. What do you think this means? What should they give Keith as a tip?