Chapter 1: The New Guests

Pages 1 - 10
List the characters in the chapter.
Look for the Mouse Words while reading.  Click on each word to see its definition.  Click on the P next to the word to see a picture of the word.  Choose 5 words.  Write a sentence using each word.  
Mouse Words
1. Bellboy   P
2. Vacancy
3. Horse and buggy   P
4. Threadbare   P
5. Antimacasser   P
6. Knothole    P
7. Greedily
8. Noisily
9. Chomping
10. Perplexed

Keith and Ralph use Onomatopoeia's in the story.  Click on the word to discover what it is and write down 3 from the story.  Hint* The noise the chickadee makes on page 3.

Chapter 2: The Motorcycle

Pages 11-21
List the characters in the story.
Look for the 
Mouse Words while reading.  Click on each word to see its definition.  Click on the P next to the word to see a picture of the word.  Choose 5 words.  Write a sentence using each word. 
Mouse Words
1. Aspirin Tablets   P
2. Poisoned   P
3. Chromium Mufflers   P
4. Switchboard Telephones   P
5. Momentum   P
6. Scrabbled
7. Jumbled
8. Reckless

9. Sensible
10. Quivering

11. Jauntily

On page 14, Ralph calls his mother a "Worrier."  What does that mean?  Do you know someone who is a worrier?  Why does Ralphs mother worry so much?  Do you worry about anything?

At the end of the chapter Ralph chooses not to listen to his mother.  He ends up in a dark place and no way out.  What will he do next?  How will he get out?

Chapter 3: Trapped!

Pages 22-29
List the characters in the chapter.
Look for the Mouse Words while reading.  Click on each word to see its definition.  Click on the P next to the word to see a picture of the word.  Choose 5 words.  Write a sentence using each word.  
Mouse Words

1. Nearsighted
2. Incinerator   P
3. Zwieback   P 
4. Predicament
5. Whirly Feeling   P
6. Wearily
7. Remorseful

Ralph was embarrassed to be seen in such a predicament.  How do you think he feels about the situation?  Have you ever been in a predicament?

At the end of the chapter, Ralph is trapped in the wastebasket with the motorcycle.  Predict whether he will escape or not and if he does how will he escape with the motorcycle?

Chapter 4: Keith

Pages 30-45
List the characters in the chapter.
Look for the Mouse Words while reading.  Click on each word to see its definition.  Choose 5 words.  Write a sentence using each word.  

Mouse Words
1. Mislaid
2. Bravado
3. Indignant
4. Ignorance
5. Momentum
6. Hampered
7. Envy
8. Cowered
9. Greedy
10. Gloomily

Keith is envious of Ralph because he can ride the motorcycle.  Would you be allowed to ride a motorcycle?

Watch one of the following videos on motorcycle riding.  State which video you watched and describe how you feel about motorcycle riding.
Synchronized Riding
Motorcycle Competition
How To Ride

Chapter 5: Adventure in the Night

Pages 46-63
List the characters in the chapter.
Look for the Mouse Words while reading.  Click on each word to see its definition.  Click on the P next to the word to see a picture of the word.  Choose 5 words.  Write a sentence using each word.  

Mouse Words
1. Jauntily
2. Scouts honor   P
3. Dusty fluff or dust mice   P 
4. Ventured
5. Whimpered
6. Captive
7. Gesture
8. Astonished
9. Beckoned
10. Noisy snorer   P
11. Exhilarated
12. Chattering teeth   P
13. Cockiness
14. Timid

Ralph goes on an adventure when he rides the motorcycle around the hallways at night.  Describe an adventure you have been on.  Include what you saw, where you went, who went with you and what you did. 

Chapter 6: A Peanut Butter Sandwich

Pages 64-77
List the characters in the chapter.
Look for the Mouse Words while reading.  Click on each word to see its definition.  Click on the P next to the word to see a picture of the word.  Choose 5 words.  Write a sentence using each word.  

Mouse Words
1. Scolded
2. Nuisance
3. Chastened
4. Astounded
5. Incredulous
6. Ry-Krisp crumbs   P
7. Owl Pellet   P
8. Boasting
9. Gee Whiz

Ralph describes a peanut butter sandwich without saying what it is because he does not know what it is called.  Describe something without saying what it is for the rest of the class to guess.

Chapter 7: The Vacuum Cleaner

Pages 78-93
List the characters in the chapter.
Look for the Mouse Words while reading.  Click on each word to see its definition.  Choose 5 words.  Write a sentence using each word.  

Mouse Words
1. Devour
2. Suction
3. Oblivious
4. Outwitted
5. Retrace
6. Hamper
7. Recklessly

Page 91: "Ralph was forced to make a decision.  Did he want to save his life or did he want to be carried off to the laundry with the motorcycle?"  Ralph was forced to make a tough decision.  Describe a time you had to make a decision.  Do you think Ralph made the right decision?  what should he do next?  How will he tell Keith he lost the motorcycle?